Accuracy Evaluation of Real-Time GNSS Precision Positioning with RTX Trimble Technology
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AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Online publication date: 2019-01-03
Publication date: 2018-12-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2018;28(4):49-61
In this paper, authors present results of accuracy verification of the Trimble RTX technology. The GNSS receiver Spectra Precision SP60 was used in Cyprus (Kato Paphos Archaeological Park). To evaluate the accuracy of the receiver, two measuring test networks (consisting of 30 and 55 control points) were established. All points were determined in four measuring cycles. Additionally, in order to make more advanced analysis of the data, the bases were also measured by using another GNSS receiver - Geomax-Zenith 25. The point positions, in this case, were conducted in the local coordinate system of Kato Paphos Archaeological Park by using RTK positioning technology. To make a comparison, it was necessary to transform the coordinates based on different groups of fitting points. Analysis allowed to conclude that the Spectra Precision SP60 receiver and the RTX Trimble technology guarantee repeatable results (on the level of 4 cm) of point positioning measurements.
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