Analysis of the Effectiveness of a Technological Solution to Simultaneously Mitigate Soil Degradation and Control the Infestation of Invasive Plants
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Environmental Engineering, São Paulo State University - Unesp - Institute of Sciences and Technology of Sorocaba, Brazil
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Submission date: 2024-03-27
Final revision date: 2024-08-05
Acceptance date: 2024-08-08
Online publication date: 2024-10-18
Publication date: 2024-10-18
Corresponding author
Alexandre Marco da Silva   

Environmental Engineering, São Paulo State University - Unesp - Institute of Sciences and Technology of Sorocaba, Brazil
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2024;34(4):94-112
Geotextile-based products have been considered as an adequate alternative to mitigate soil degradation processes, either by erosion or invasion by weeds. Thus, we assessed the efficiency of a bag confectioned with jute fabric and filled with mowed grass. We constructed six experimental plots considering two experimental conditions - three with the control (uncovered) and three covered with the product we generated (jute bag). We conducted the study during a rainy period and analyzed the efficiency of the product using the indicators: soil-chemical balance (including organic matter), soil-water repellence (hydrophobicity), changes in the microtopography of the plots, and emergence and growth of plants. We identified that within the study period, the engineered product provided effective protection to the soil surface, mitigating erosion processes, as well as delaying the rise of weeds (21% reduction). The soil’s chemical and physical indicators evidenced that the soil was moderately improved. In this way, we argue that the product presents sufficient conditions to be an economically accessible alternative to control the soil degradation processes since it is simple and rapid to be manufactured and it uses materials that were initially considered waste, therefore being ecologically correct and interesting.
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