Analysis of the Shear Resistance in the Indented Interface Between Two Concrete Parts of Concrete Composite Beam
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Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry, Płock, Poland
Lublin University of Technology, Civil Engineering and Architecture Faculty, Lublin, Poland
Online publication date: 2021-03-30
Publication date: 2021-03-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2021;31(1):93-105
This paper presents a comparative analysis of shear resistance in the interface between two concrete parts of concrete composite beam. The construction joint was performed as indented one in accordance with Eurocode 2 and fib Model Code 2010. The numerical calculation results were confronted with the actual results of tests of a composite beam subjected to 4-point bending. The displacement values of tested element were obtained using dial sensors and the digital image correlation method (DIC). The analysis shows that the recommendations of Eurocode 2-1-1 and fib Model Code 2010 do not reflect the actual behavior of concrete composite beam with indented surface.
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