Application of Terrestrial Laser Scanning for the Inventory of Historical Buildings on the Example of Measuring the Elevations of the Buildings in the Old Market Square in Jarosław
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Rzeszow University of Technology, Rzeszów, Poland
Online publication date: 2021-06-28
Publication date: 2021-06-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2021;31(2):293-309
Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) technology is increasingly used in surveying, construction and architecture. The potential of the data obtained by this method creates the possibility of its versatile application also in conservation and revitalization of monuments, archaeology or history. The use of this technology during the creation of architectural documentation of a historic building greatly facilitates the acquisition of comprehensive information about its actual condition in a fast, non-invasive and very precise manner. Thanks to digital technology, it also creates the possibility to accurately interpret the condition of an object and present its model in a virtual space. This technology provides the ability to transfer acquired image elements with high accuracy of their mapping to plans and designs prepared by architects and contractors. It is also possible to maintain high technical standards in the processes aimed at the preparation of the required graphical studies, thanks to the use of the point cloud obtained in TLS. One of the most important advantages of using this measurement method is the possibility of combining it with data from e. g. from photogrammetric tools, which gives the possibility to fill in the missing elements creating a more complete picture of the needed data. This paper presents the implementation of terrestrial laser scanning technology as a non-invasive method for the modelling of walls and buildings of the so-called “greenfield”. Revers BIM on the example of the measurement of the facades of the buildings of the old market in Jarosław. This technology allows for preparation of precise architectural documentation including: projections, sections, elevation views, 3D models or multimedia visualizations. The use of TLS for cultural heritage research also enables the preparation of fully complete documentation for conservation and restoration works aimed at maintaining the current state of monuments or even at reconstructing their damaged architectural elements.
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