Assessment of Impact of the Rheological Parameters Change on Sensitivity of the Asphalt Strain Based on the Test Results / Ocena Wpływu Zmiany Parametrów Reologicznych Na Wrażliwość Deformacji Mieszanek Mineralno - Asfaltowych Na Podstawie Wyników Badań
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University of Zielona Góra, University of Zielona Gora, Institute of Building Engineering, Poland
Publication date: 2023-06-12
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2015;16(1):105-117
The creep test under the static loading, that allows to determine rheological properties of asphalt based on the creep curve, is the most effective test nowadays. Applied loads are non-destructive and allow to observe the course of the strain after the test load. The test can be carried out on compressing, shearing, bending as well as on triaxial test, that depends on the applied apparatus implementing different intensity [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. Based on the creep test, the stress of different properties can be specified. Among them there are valuable rheological properties based on selected viscoelascity models [1]. The properties of the viscoelascity models are relevant indexes depicting resistance to deformation. They can be used to forecast the wheel-truck in the accepted rheological model [1]. In this article it is shown the impact of different rheological properties of the viscoelacity model on the wheel-truck as well as the impact of different properties on shape and the course of the creep curve. The asphalt mixtures presented in this article are characterized by variable rheological properties. It is therefore difficult to determine which property mostly affects the size of the strain. However, the authors of this article attempted to analyse the change of the asphalt strain value of the different variables in particular rheological model, called Bürgers’s model.
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