Bending Resistance of Metal-Concrete Composite Beams in a Natural Fire
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Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, Poznań, Poland
Online publication date: 2019-01-03
Publication date: 2018-12-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2018;28(4):149-162
In this paper, the bending resistance of three metal-concrete composite beams was compared in real car fires in an open car park. Steel and concrete composite beams are often used for the construction of ceilings in multi-storey car parks. The authors made an attempt to evaluate how the replacement of a non-alloy steel girder with a stainless steel or aluminium alloy girder affects the bending resistance of a composite beam under fire conditions. The analysed beams were not fire-protected. They consisted of a concrete slab and a girder made of: non-alloy (carbon) S235J2 (1.0117) steel, X6CrNiMoTi17- 12-2 (1.4571) stainless steel, and AW-6061 T6 (EN AW-Al Mg1SiCu) aluminium alloy.
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