Estimation of Rubber Waste Concrete Properties by Ultrasonic Velocities: Effect of Transducers’ Diameters and Frequencies
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University of Larbi Ben M’hidi, Oum El-Bouaghi, Algeria
Civil Engineering and Hydraulic Laboratory, University of 8 May 1945, Guelma, Algeria
Online publication date: 2020-08-20
Publication date: 2020-06-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2020;30(2):200-220
This experimental study aimed to use the ultrasonic pulse velocity method (UPV) in order to investigate the effect of rubber tire waste content and transducers’ diameters and frequencies on the evolution of ultrasonic velocities in time and to elucidate the correlations between UPV and the properties of various concrete mixtures. The incorporation of this waste involved volume substitution (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%) of fine aggregates (sand) by rubber waste (RW) granulates. The dry unit weight, porosity, compressive and flexural strengths, and velocity of ultrasonic waves with different transducers - which presents the non-destructive technique - were evaluated. Rubberized concrete mixtures showed increases in porosity with lower dry unit weight compared to the control concrete. Compressive strength, flexural strength and ultrasonic velocity obtained by all transducers decreases with increasing RW content. These decreases are not influenced by the curing age of concretes. Decreases in the diameter and frequency of transducers caused reductions in ultrasonic velocity. These reductions are not influenced by the volume replacement of sand by RW. Correlations showed that ultrasonic velocity represents a reliable non-destructive technique for measuring the properties of rubberized concretes.
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