Integrated Analytical System in the Monitoring of Carboniferous Mine Wastes from the “Bogdanka” Hard Coal Mine
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Department of Environmental Monitoring Central Mining Institute, Katowice, Poland
Online publication date: 2014-06-26
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Zbigniew Bzowski   

*Corresponding author: Department of Environmental Monitoring, Central Mining Institute, Pl. Gwarków 1, 40-166 Katowice, Poland; tel: +48322592280
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2014;12(1):27-32
In order to evaluate usefulness of wastes for utilization it is necessary to use modern chemical testing methods. The proposed analytical system of the XRD-XRF-ICP-GC methods enables to conduct an examination of carboniferous waste rocks. The offered system of chemical testing is less time consuming and much more efficient. Within a reasonably short period of time, it allows to obtain information about mineralogical and chemical properties of the carboniferous waste rocks. In the paper application of such an integrated system has been illustrated with the examples drawn from the monitoring of the carboniferous wastes rocks from the “Bogdanka” coal mine.
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