Limit Analysis of Geometrically Hardening Composite Steel-Concrete Systems / Stany Graniczne Geometrycznie Wzmacniających Się Konstrukcji Zespolonych
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University of Zielona Gora, Institute of Building Engineering, Poland
Publication date: 2023-06-12
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2015;16(1):5-23
The paper considers some results of creating load-carrying composite systems that have uprated strength, rigidity and safety, and therefore are called geometrically (self-) hardening systems. The optimization mathematic models of structures as discrete mechanical systems withstanding dead load, monotonic or low cyclic static and kinematic actions are proposed. To find limit parameters of these actions the extreme energetic principle is suggested what result in the bilevel mathematic programming problem statement. The limit parameters of load actions are found on the first level of optimization. On the second level the power of the constant load with equilibrium preloading is maximized and/or system cost is minimized. The examples of using the proposed methods are presented and geometrically hardening composite steel-concrete system are taken into account.
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