Reconstruction of the Railway Station Building in Świebodzice as the Avant-Garde of the Modern Renovation. Architecture of the Building Space in the Context of the Credibility Feeling Space
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Faculty of Architecture, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Online publication date: 2021-12-30
Publication date: 2021-12-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2021;31(4):112-129
The social being, human, is a spatial creature whose habitation space is called the residential microenvironment. An architectural object is a place in a separate space. The object-place in space is formed in a variety of ways, but so that it can only be a framework for events, without a specific definition and manner of implementation. Architecture is a form of separating space and constructing it from material and immaterial components. Human as a being, a form of life, fills the behavioral space with his existence, carrying out activities on various levels. The Świebodzice Railway Station is an example of contemporary avant-garde in the field of renovation and modernization, adopted methods and solutions, moreover hides the real and simulacrum credibility of feeling the space of an object. The historical-interpretative methods, was used as research methods. The result was the development of the construction and executive design of the Railway Station.
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Technical documentation “Reconstruction of the railway station building in Świebodzice” DOMUS Biuro Usług Projektowych (with the consent of DOMUS).
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