Revitalization Of The 1970s Within The ‘Old Town’ In Kraków
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Cracow University of Technology Tadeusz Kościuszko Faculty of Civil Ingineering, Kraków, Poland
AKE Studio Spółka z o.o., Kraków, Poland
Online publication date: 2015-12-30
Publication date: 2015-12-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2015;19(4):141-149
The paper presents selected issues in the revitalization of the façades of buildings located in the historic ‘Old Town’ part of the city of Kraków. The subjects of the revitalization were the façades of an office building and a multi-level garage, both built in the 1970s in the administrative district of the ‘Old Town’ in Krakow. The criteria that guided the project heads in the choice of technology and technical solutions used in the revitalization project are also presented. The paper discusses the problems associated with the implementation of a new aluminium façade on the exterior walls, which were characterized by very large inaccuracies, significantly exceeding tolerance values.
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