Romantic Joseph Lenné Landscape Park in Zatonie Near Zielona Góra as a Relic of Garden Art - Modern-Day Transformations and Threats
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University of Zielona Góra, Faculty of Building, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Z. Szafrana st 1, 65-516 Zielona Góra, tel. +48683282290, Poland
Online publication date: 2016-10-21
Publication date: 2016-09-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2016;22(3):69-80
The romantic landscape park was established in 1824 by order of one of the best-known aristocrats at the time, Princess Dorothea Talleyrand Perigold, Dutchess of Dino. The park is an example of amenity horticulture of artistic value that has survived to this day. The creator of the park was the talented landscape architect Peter Joseph Lenné. In its current state, the park differs significantly from the image on lithographs of the past. Upon carrying out field investigations and comparative studies, it was established that the maintained stand of tress holds high compositional value. The conclusions of the article define the current threats to the longevity of the park as well as highlighting the plan of revalorization works.
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