Selected Aspects of Frost Protection Using Extruded Polystyrene for the Designed Road Surface
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Department of Mining, Dams and Field Electrical Engineering, Military Institute of Engineer Technology Obornicka 136, 50-961 Wroclaw
These authors had equal contribution to this work
Submission date: 2023-11-10
Final revision date: 2024-02-20
Acceptance date: 2024-03-25
Online publication date: 2024-07-10
Publication date: 2024-07-10
Corresponding author
Partyka Piotr Jacek   

Department of Mining, Dams and Field Electrical Engineering, Military Institute of Engineer Technology Obornicka 136, 50-961 Wroclaw
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2024;34(3):71-84
The present article delves into the consequences of subzero temperatures on the integrity of road elements, specifically scrutinizing their load-bearing capabilities and structural resilience. Central to the discourse is the elucidation of frost heave mechanisms, alongside an exposition of the overarching principles underpinning frost protection strategies within the framework of Polish engineering protocols. Attention is directed towards the deployment of extruded polystyrene as a pivotal component in fortifying road structures against frost-induced degradation. Moreover, the article encompass the preliminary conjectures on the adoption of insulating materials, prevalent in Anglo-Saxon jurisdictions, which offer promising prospects for enhancing frost protection measures in Polish road design, particularly within the context of bespoke structural configurations. Furthermore, a comprehensive exploration into the soil characteristics endemic to specific geographical locales, delineating methodologies for ascertaining parameters germane to fortifying road structures against frost-induced stresses. Of particular significance is the delineation of computational methodologies aimed at determining the depth of the subterranean frost zone, with a view towards pragmatic application in real-world scenarios. The article culminates in a succinct synthesis of findings, underscoring the efficacy of the proposed design paradigm in bolstering the resilience of road infrastructures against the deleterious effects of frost-induced phenomena.
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