Spatial Integration Level of Housing Complex with the City Structure. Case of Rzeszów
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Rzeszów University of Technology
Online publication date: 2022-10-13
Publication date: 2022-09-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2022;32(3):36-61
In many Polish cities, the aspect of integration of urban structures is underestimated and new investments are not properly connected with the city. This article presents the results of a study with the main objective of assessing the level of spatial integration of residential areas. The study was carried out in several stages; it was based on classical and qualitative methods used in urban planning. The first stages of the research procedure focused on literature studies, a review of the area, and a diagnosis of the current state of three different housing complexes in Rzeszów. In subsequent stages, a set of criteria was created to determine the spatial integration level (SIL) of the residential developments under analysis. Research and application objectives were achieved by creating a clear and easily reproducible method to evaluate the level of spatial integration of residential areas. The research demonstrates the validity of a holistic approach to determining the scope of planning activities while based on a set of specific criteria that address integration issues.
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