The article discusses selected issues regarding the influence of cultural-historical determinants on functional-spatial development of rural areas. Ecological, economic and social processes taking place in the last decades are examined in the context of the development of local self-governments and the rise of free market economy after Poland’s socio-economic transformation. The process of intensive rural urbanization occurs especially in areas within the impact zone of big cities. It is caused by, i.a., human migration into rural areas and development of areas of business activation. The abovementioned tendencies that occur in the ecological, economic and social context have a significant impact on functional-spatial development. Expansion of housing developments and, in effect, expansion and development of necessary technical infrastructure gives rise to many problems concerning preservation of cultural heritage of the Polish countryside. The pursuit of sustainable development of rural areas is fundamental in regard to ruralist solutions as well as preservation of traditional rural architecture. Cultural-historical determinants play a considerable role in this pursuit, especially in the context of threats that stem from overurbanization of rural areas.
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