Verification of the Simulation Model Based on the Example of Combined Sewage System in Głogów
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University of Zielona Gora, Poland
Online publication date: 2019-01-03
Publication date: 2018-09-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2018;28(3):111-120
The verification of simulation model of combined sewage system was presented in article. The model of sewage system functioning in Głogów was developed using SWMM 5.1 (Storm Water Management Model) software. It was calibrated based on the results of field studies from the years 2011–13, while the properness of its activity was verified for the results of measurements carried out in 2014. The verification of the model showed acceptable discrepancies between the measured and simulated values of flow rates. Factors which caused differences were indicated and, on the basis of this, conclusions pertaining to further studies were formulated.
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